What’s Next for NFT Tech?

NFT Tech
3 min readOct 22, 2021


NFT Tech turns focus towards user adoption after launching a sublime NFT product

It’s been an extraordinary six months for NFT Tech. After months of relentless development, we have built a sublime product that can scale to an almost infinite amount of users. The infrastructure underpinning NFT Tech can easily handle millions of users and the platform is carefully designed to make it seamless for even non-crypto internet users to get exposure to NFTs. We have recently launched this product while also listing our native token, making the infrastructure accessible to everyone.

With NFT Tech, registration is as easy as establishing an email address or setting up a social media account. Any internet user can easily register and begin creating and trading NFT assets. Moreover, the technology has been rigorously tested and reviewed, ensuring security to all those that adopt the platform. The secure and sublime NFT Tech platform is the fruition of the past six months of relentless development but NFT Tech is now entering a second major phase.

The NFT Tech team will now turn their efforts to securing users for the platform. The next-generation technology is available and has been audited to meet standards of excellence. It is now a matter of raising awareness of the next-generation NFT creation and trading platform. NFT Tech has several initiatives lined up to raise awareness of the platform.

We have lucrative incentives lined up for those who adopt the NFT Tech infrastructure. A significant allocation of NFT Tech tokens (NFTT) has been dedicated to providing such incentives. These tokens are in place to attract new creators and users to the NFT Tech platform. Once they experience the sublime functionality of the platform — with features such as free and instant minting — we anticipate that these early adopters will also assist in raising awareness among NFT enthusiasts.

These incentives are not our only strategy for adopting users. We are also embarking on ambitious marketing campaigns. We will ramp up our content production on our current media channels such as Substack and Twitter but we will also venture into new and exciting channels. We have strategic campaigns lined up for Instagram and TikTok. Effective content production on TikTok can achieve viral traction and we expect to accomplish just that.

The focus on marketing does not mean that development will come to a halt. We will continue to add new and exciting features to the platform. Development updates will take place roughly once per month and we will keep in touch with the community to stay updated with their needs and product desires.

After building a versatile and scalable NFT creation and trading infrastructure, we are now embarking on our second major phase of disrupting the NFT landscape. We have designed comprehensive campaigns and marketing measures to ensure that NFT Tech begins to achieve viral adoption. We will achieve this by lining up lucrative incentives for early adopters and publishing stellar content through several social media channels.



NFT Tech